Calling all women! Are you ready to reclaim your rightful place of power, vitality and joy?

Are you living your big life, your authentic life? The life you were born to live? Or are you feeling disconnected, stuck, tired, or even hopeless? 

Are you challenged with your hormones, your energy levels, your relationships, or your own self-worth? Do you know how to make the changes in your own life, in your family life, or in the world that you long for?

We are all living in uncertain, difficult times. 

Times of change, times that call for courage. 

Times that ask you to show up again and again.

The Empowered Woman

Cycles of Change, Cycles of Choice

The Empowered Woman: Cycles of Change, Cycles of Choice

Reclaim your rightful place of power, vitality and joy

As women, we have an essential role in the healing of ourselves, our societies, and the world. For over 2000 years we have been living in cultures that are unequal, our stories and histories have been diminished or quietened, hidden behind the reality of dominance, survival of the fittest, and conquest. 

But that is not our story.

Our authentic woman’s story is one of interconnectivity, joy and life. And that requires empowered determination, courage, heart and mind solutions, and inspired action. 

If you are ready for the next leap of your health, your life, and your essential part in being the change, then I’m ready too! 

I want to help you embrace your health, your emotional resilience, your essential sense of connection, and your own unique and vibrant life. 

My work with thousands of women watching their exquisite energy systems and radiant power come into balanced expression has inspired the creation of a transformational course called The Empowered Woman: Cycles of Change, Cycles of Choice

Are you ready to join me on this powerful and joyful journey of self-discovery and empowerment? 

What's included

15 hours of teaching and over 20 empowering practices

  • Session 1 - The Energy of Woman

    The unique energy of the female whole-body system. How to source yourself in energetic balance and flow. 

  • Session 2 - Empowered Woman Practices

    How to empower your healthy energetic alignment so you can bring more harmony and vitality into your energy systems. Get connected to the truth within you (your wild wisdom), deeper groundedness, so you can experience more vitality and resilience, better sleep, more balanced hormones, and live with connection and courage. 

  • Session 3 - The energy of personal habits that hurt and harm

    Experience a feeling of hope that you are not alone in your struggles or pains, that your energy system is continually supporting your health at the level of the body, mind, and soul. Make sense of your old patterns and how to help bring them into balance.

  • Session 4 - The energy of collective habits that hurt and harm

    The place of woman as ‘less than’ has been part of our story for thousands of years. Are you ready to move beyond them? We’ll expand on the previous session to honour the ways in which living in our modern world takes continual heart, and continual courage as we live within this legacy.

  • Session 6 - Landing the Leap

    We will honour and make sense of the collective threads of energy and information that relate to us all as women in the world today. 

  • Session 7 - Your part in the cycles of life

    All of life moves in cycles of change. The movement of the planets, the seasons of the year, the daily rhythm of day and night, the cycles of your hormones. And with every movement of those cycles within cycles you have choice.  In this session, we explore how the time is now for you to choose you. 

  • Session 8 & 9: Consciousness & Life Understandings

    We’ll explore practices that can bring healing to your body, deep resilience to your emotions and well-being, and spark your soul so you are able to experience the empowered woman you have always been.

  • Session: 10: Your Empowered Woman Practices

    A section just for excerpted simple practices from the course teachings for you to come back to whenever you have a few moments to reconnect to your energy.

  • LIVE Healing Ceremony ONLINE April 3rd

    Together we'll join with all participants of The Empowered Woman for an online ceremony on Wednesday April 3rd 2024 at 7pm UK time.

This course is for women who are wondering how to fully show up in the world today in their own unique way, living their life purpose as they walk their soul path. 

You'll learn how to embody, express, enliven, and nurture yourself as woman at the level of body, mind, and soul. AND how to access and activate choice at every moment of every day.

You'll be empowered to:

  • Release tiredness, overwhelm, anxiety, environmental grief, and stress. And instead build physical health, emotional resilience, mental clarity, and a deep sense of belonging. 

  • Feel hopeful, energised and supported. 

  • Know and experience yourself as an empowered woman, essential in the world. 

  • Move from living your small life to living your BIG life (however that looks for you).

In The Empowered Woman Course...

Discover that woman's energy is unique and how to source it richly: 
Learn how to nurture the source of your inner power so you can experience more vitality, more health, and feel more energised to be you. Show up in your life in all of your strength. 

*Please note, all who identify as women are welcome to take this course, although it may be that the material covered in this section is not as relevant if you were not born with female organs. 

Learn to dissolve habits that hurt, habits that harm: 
Bring deep healing to your hurtful habits so they can be dissolved and released, empowering you to heal the limiting stories in your life, heal from trauma, and experience the easy joy of living actively and powerfully.

Expand your life with conscious practices: 
Explore a rich collection of energy and consciousness practices designed to support your body, mind, and soul. Empowered with these understandings and techniques you'll feel more resilient to the everyday stressors of life so your hormonal health can expand and balance.

I recommend this class to every woman


Listening to Prune a whole new world opens up. Never do I feel bored, even if I listen to her for hours. I recommend this class to every woman.

I really loved this course!


I really loved this course! It was filled with many "aha moments" and amazing exercises to create space in our energy field in order to help us make better choices in terms of nourishing not just our bodies, but our souls. Thank You, Prune, for guiding us with such generosity and grace.

Immense empowerment


The technique Prune shared with us in this class empowers us immensely in our personal lives, as well as empowering us as players and contributors in the life of our planet. Thank you Prune for your generosity!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long will I have access to the course materials on the Thinkific platform?

A: This course is fully downloadable and will also be available on this course platform for the lifetime of the platform.

Q: Do you offer a payment plan / can I spread out the payment? 

A: Yes, we have a payment plan in place to make this course as accessible as possible for everyone. Please note we are not able to create a payment plan for scholarship recipients. 

The payment plan is 3 payments of $137

Q: Do you offer scholarship places on this course? 

A: Prune Harris Ltd. is committed to supporting our community as part of our responsibility to people and our planet. Our wish is for profound transformation to be accessible to all, no matter their situation. To enable this, we offer 10% of places on our online courses for free or at reduced rates. 

Email [email protected] to begin your scholarship application for this course.

Please Note:

- Scholarship discounts will need to be made in one payment at the time of registration. We are unable to create scholarship payment plans. 

Q: Can I book an appointment for a one-to-one session with Prune?

A: Prune no longer sees clients one-to-one and instead focuses her time on teaching. We are happy to provide a list of practitioners Prune recommends. You are welcome to contact us at [email protected] to receive a copy of this list.

Q: How can I reach customer support?

A: If you are unable to find answers to your questions here, send an email to [email protected]

‘You are an amazing, interconnected part of this living planet, and truly taking care of yourself is the first step in truly taking care of your society, and your global home.' Prune Harris

The Empowered Woman: Cycles of Change, Cycles of Choice

Reclaim your rightful place of power, vitality and joy

Meet your teacher

Prune Harris

Prune Harris is an energy expert, consciousness educator and soul activist. Since birth, Prune has been able to see the energy of humans, animals, trees, and the Earth, showing up as vibrations and colours. Her simple and insightful explanations of how our personal energy field, our collective energy field and the global energy field interconnect, sheds forgotten light on how we can begin to move back to patterns of not just individual but global health and harmony. A passionate educator, Prune teaches in-person and online courses with a primary objective of sharing her knowledge and understandings around energy to empower individual healing and inspire collective change.