Secure your place on Alchemy of Intuition 2023

Pay in full or spread the cost with a payment plan

Do you sometimes struggle to trust in yourself?

We all are born with instinct and intuition to guide us through life. But for many of us, that natural inborn understanding of the world around us gets dismissed… denied… even deliberately trained out of us by the people who raise and teach us as we grow up.

By the time you reach adulthood, you might not even remember the inherent certainty and authentic confidence you used to feel in yourself as a very small child.

And that’s a tragic loss. 

When you trust in your own perceptions and intuitions, connect and align with your soul path, you become able to make sense of the world in a direct way and able to interpret what you already know but couldn’t quite understand before… and once you can interpret it, you can act on it.

How do I know?

I know this because I was born with a powerful intuition and the ability to perceive energy fields. As far as I knew, everyone could do that… I didn’t realise until I got a little older that not everybody could see what I saw and sense what I sensed!

I also became aware that my life’s purpose was to use this gift to help other people who had lost their own intuitive ability to sense and work with energy. 

And after two decades of clinical practice, supporting thousands of people to heal from illnesses or injuries by tending to their own energy fields and learning to listen to their own body’s intuitive knowledge, I eventually made a key shift in how I approach my calling: I moved from working with people with a specific ailment, to teaching energy principles and practices to anyone who wants to learn. 

Now I'm excited to invite you to join my transformational signature course…

Alchemy of Intuition

Find out more about Alchemy of Intuition

What's included

  • 18 Week Online Course

    Alchemy of Intuition is taught over 18 weeks, from October 3rd 2023 to February 6th 2024 (that includes a midwinter break in December 2023)

  • Nine Transformative Modules

    Including 5 two-week modules based on the elements of earth, water, fire, air and centre, plus extra weeks for introduction, reflection, integration, and shadow work

  • Reflection and Integration

    You'll enjoy thinking space and time for assignments, integration and shadow work so that you can be more freely and completely yourself

  • Course Handout

    Each module includes a full colour online handout to enhance your learning, with essential understandings about intuition and perception, and beautiful energy anatomy images

  • Live Virtual Classes

    We'll join together for a live class in each module so that we can spend time connecting, working together, and exploring the learnings and understandings

  • Pre-recorded Video Lessons

    Every module contains pre-recorded video material to take you through essential understandings that you can use (and re-use) whenever suits you

  • Peer Practice Sessions

    You'll connect with our student community for the opportunity to develop your skills and put what you're learning into practice

  • Q&A Community Support

    You'll benefit from our community platform, including Q&A with PH Faculty members, for mutual support and encouragement

Alchemy of Intuition Reviews

Magnificent in every way


It really was magnificent in every way! The communication with the team was prompt, loving and helpful. Amazing! Accessibility to the material and the layout of the online format was incredible. So efficient and easy to use. It seemed miraculous! It was miraculous! Thank you all for everything from Prune's first spark of inspiration to the magical and glorious event this is. Thank you, thank you. All my love.

I'm beginning to feel inner peace


The Light of self-care has turned on. I'm so much more gentle with myself. I'm beginning to feel inner peace and the last time I felt that is a long, long time ago.

Everything is connected


Prune has given me a greater understanding and deepened the feeling that everything is always interconnected. Reminding me whatever we do, we always have an effect. Keeping this in mind has definitely made me try to give more room to positivity and love, as I want to send these into the world. It helps me - together with other work I am doing - to take a good responsibility for myself, without grasping out into the responsibility and energy of others, yet knowing that this still interconnects.

Enormous depth of wisdom


I honestly feel that this course was created with so much love and care and I could feel the magic in it. So super grateful for Prune and her team creating this wonderful mix of insights, workforms and with this enormous depth of wisdom. I could not ask for more.

It was so powerful


I became aware or was made aware that my body is incredibly strong, not the working out at the gym king of physical strength, but a whole other level of strength. Like an ancient & wise old oak tree, just realizing the Earth connection with that analogy, der 😉 Wow! it was so powerful, palpable. It has completely shifted my perception & perspective of my body.

Old patterns are starting to shift


Old patterns are starting to shift for me and I'm sure for everyone. I don't know about you, but I'm dredging up courage to meet those patterns from places in me that I didn't know existed.

Grateful for this amazing learning


I am so grateful to know these practices and to feel empowered by them to find my own answers and my own wisdom. I am grateful to be learning more about my energy anatomy as I feel this helps increase the feeling of empowerment that I am receiving. A big thank you for this amazing learning.

I'm becoming a different person


I really feel like I'm becoming a different person and the quality of energy flowing through me is something new to me, and I love it

Confidence in my intuition


I now have a rock solid confidence in my intuition.

It was excellent!


I loved the content of the course and Prune's energy, presence and ability to teach and promote deeper understanding of content, plus the significance of what was taught and its potential to impact us as individuals. It was excellent!

Questions and Answers About Alchemy of Intuition

  • When does it start and finish?

    We begin on October 3rd 2023 and the programme ends on February 6th 2024. (That includes a mid-winter break in December 2023.)

  • What will I do to participate in the course, and what is my time commitment?

    Every week you’ll log in to our online learning platform to enjoy a selection of activities including video lessons, spiritual ceremonies, live classes, practical exercises and practice sessions, reading, assignments with your peer group, and Q&A community support. Like many aspects of self-care and self-development, the more time you can invest, the more you’ll benefit. But that doesn’t mean you need to devote all of your waking hours to studying this course! Each week’s lessons, exercises and assignments can typically be completed in 3 to 5 hours. So if you can give yourself an hour per day, or even half an hour per day, you’ll have all the time you need to join in and enjoy the programme.

  • What if I’m in a different timezone and can’t attend the live sessions?

    No problem at all… While we welcome you to attend live if you're able to do so, you will also have access to the complete recordings of all live classes and practice sessions -- so you can get the sleep and rest you need without missing anything!

  • Can I spread out the payment?

    Yes, we have a payment plan in place to make this course as accessible as possible for everyone. If you want to spread the cost, choose the payment plan option when you check out.

  • Is this course going to be valuable and meaningful for me if I've been working with Prune for a long time, or I'm an energy medicine student or practitioner?

    This is not a beginner’s course, it’s a course I’ve created for everyone. Whether you have some energy awareness or none, it doesn’t matter. No one is a beginner in Alchemy, you are already well skilled in creating your daily life, the challenge is more about whether your daily life you’re creating is your fullest life. Or is it the slice of your life that you think is OK, but if you ask your soothsayer and dreams inside, you know there’s something bigger you’re meant to be a part of and you’re not quite living the life you’re here to live. So no matter what you’ve trained in, this course is designed to release the wisdom in you, and you’ll be able to meet the course exactly where you’re at and bring its gifts into your life.

  • Would you recommend this for people who already have a lot of experience with intuition, or is it more of a course for those beginning the journey of working with it?

    If you feel like your radiant soul is shining through every part of your life, and you are living your absolutely most gracious joy-filled life, then you probably don’t need the course! You may already be highly intuitive, but if you want to bring that intuition into more aspects of personal healing and journey of becoming so you can change your world, then that’s what this course is designed for. You can bring your intuitive skills and deeper connecting into transforming the parts of your life that aren’t quite in your fullness yet. And if you’re someone who feels like you don’t have a scrap of intuition yet (even though I promise that you do!), then this course is also for you, and will be about unfolding, learning and practicing how to bring that intuition forward so it shines through every part of your life.

  • What is your cancellation and refund policy?

    A: Prior to the start of Alchemy of Intuition and until 12th October we offer a full refund less a $100 USD administration fee. Cancellation requests should be emailed to [email protected]. Refunds will be issued to the original form of payment (and currency). Please note that any currency fluctuations that occur between the time of payment and the refund cannot be compensated for.

  • Do you offer scholarship places on Alchemy of Intuition?

    We are committed to supporting our community as part of our responsibility to people and our planet. Our wish is for profound transformation to be accessible to all, no matter their situation. To enable this, we offer 10% of places on our online courses for free or at reduced rates. Our scholarship window for the 2023-2024 Alchemy of Intuition course has now closed, and we are no longer able to accept any applications. Those who applied will receive an email by the end of the day, Friday 29th September.

  • How long will I have access to course materials?

    When you buy this course, you'll get online access to the materials and recordings until September 2024, and everything is downloadable to your computer, so you can always revisit any part you need.

Join my transformational signature course

Pay in full or spread the cost with a payment plan

Meet your teacher

Prune Harris

Prune Harris is an energy expert, consciousness educator and soul activist. Since birth, Prune has been able to see the energy of humans, animals, trees, and the Earth, showing up as vibrations and colours. Her simple and insightful explanations of how our personal energy field, our collective energy field and the global energy field interconnect, sheds forgotten light on how we can begin to move back to patterns of not just individual but global health and harmony. A passionate educator, Prune teaches in-person and online courses with a primary objective of sharing her knowledge and understandings around energy to empower individual healing and inspire collective change.